Did Millie Small take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Millie Small

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Discovering the Voice of Millie Small

Millie Small, renowned for her hit "My Boy Lollipop," made significant waves in the music industry with her distinct voice. Though detailed records of her training are scarce, her natural talent and unique sound speak volumes about her approach to singing and performance.

Did Millie Small Take Singing Lessons?

While specific details about Millie Small taking formal singing lessons or having a singing coach aren't widely documented, her career trajectory suggests a blend of innate talent and possibly informal mentorship. Artists during her time often learned through experience, performing live, and sometimes under the guidance of seasoned musicians.

How to Achieve a Distinct Voice Like Millie Small

To develop a unique voice similar to Millie Small, focusing on a few key areas can be incredibly beneficial:

  • Voice Analysis: Understand your voice type and range. Doing a Vocal range test can be a great starting point.
  • Pitch Accuracy: Millie's songs often required precise pitch control. Regularly use tools like the Pitch accuracy test to improve.
  • Vocal Techniques: Experiment with contemporary vocal techniques to add unique elements to your singing. Articles on vocal techniques could be insightful.
  • Authentic Voice: Finding and nurturing your authentic voice is crucial. The guide on How to find your own authentic voice could offer valuable tips.

Learning from Millie Small's Approach

Millie's success wasn't just due to her vocal skills; her presence and the emotional delivery of her music played a huge role. For performers aspiring to reach similar heights, focusing on overcoming stage fright and mastering performance tips could be incredibly beneficial.


Though not much is known about her formal training, Millie Small's impact on music remains undeniable. Aspiring singers can learn a great deal from her approach to performance and vocal delivery. By using tools and resources available today, such as those provided by Singing Carrots, anyone can work towards achieving a distinctive voice and presence like Millie Small.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners